
Darkness to Light

mendhi heart

So we are at the half way point of Navratri and as we truly let go of the tamas, the regressive tendencies and fuel the fire of rajas to burn away the dross so the light shines…

let’s contemplate…

Are there is any repressed feelings around your own powers or potential?

~ be honest and observe… the asuras/ the demon of unworthiness, stinginess, greed, or any other limitations around receiving,

do you limit your creativity, your abundance, your spirituality with non receiving…?

do you separate your spiritual life with daily life?

do you feel a spiritual life means renouncing everything?

I believe in order to bring the darkness to light We need to remove these feelings to truly move into the creative power and let go of the seperation and feel and taste the shri of Lakshmi. Classical yoga teaches renouncing everything, yet as householders on a spiritual pathh this may be impossible. That’s what i love about tantra, it embraces everyhting, lakshmi marrying the so-called ordinary and spiritual life, unites, yokes, is true yoga, to bring everyhting together within the web of shri

Remember The Goddess asks you to call on Her in times of need and she comes forth, the feminine practices I teach are about receiving. for us women when you receive truly receive, no masks or pretending (– for she knows,) when you receive and replenish, it is natural exchange of energy. the more you receive the more you give unconditionally…

Remember the what you focus on you receive,whether it is a god or asura…this is explained in Lakshmi’s emergence

I love this inspiration and see it everyday within my home with is named Shrim, why, i am eternally grateful for the blessings i receive, from the light of the Goddess, it was Ganedah who helped remove my ideas of seperation and during a Lakshmi Sadahan that I  decided t omove to Barbados. also Sh are the 1st 2 letter of my husbands name, and MI are mine and r we are together in gratitude for the shri in our lives! and so in Lakshmi unity, i offer you this quote ::

Your daily life is your temple and your religion. When you enter into it take with you your all – Kahlil Gibran