
Svadhisthana Chakra Videos

These Svadhisthana Chakra Videos like the week before offer you practical tools to dive into the chakra. for the Yogini practice is deeper exploration that the masculine analytical way of reading and trying to understand on a linear level. when you practcie you immerse your self in your body and this begins to touch embodiment. and as the word suggest your in your body, not your head

From your roots of Muladhara Chakra, Shakti rises from her resting bed where she created the steadiness and security for you in the ground of your being. Now she begins to stir in her sensuous fluid movements of Svadhisthana Chakra.
Are you ready for a juicy week?
Svadhisthana means ‘one’s own place’ read more here and svadha means sweetness. this chakra is about your pleasure, your emotions, your creativity and your sensuality and sexuality. it is important that you stand in ‘your own place’ within this chakra and define your sexual and emotional issues..
sometimes these sexual and emotional issues are like honey, the honey life offers you is not so always sweet, even the sour times teach us to flow, remember pleasure and transform the sour to sweetness as we honour our own place in life.
Pleasure is the motivating force for this second chakra and for women pleasure is a major shakti key to open doors within the temple of her body.
so this week, I personally love the watery realm and sensuality of Svadhisthana chakra. I will share practices to move you, awaken your senses so you feel, create, flow…

svadhisthana affirmationI invite you to read this picture out loud 6 times, 6 for each petal of the lotus of Svadhisthana
then repeat it again 6 times whispering,
then look upon the words and what sentence speaks to you from your womb wisdom (or men your testes the seeds of creation)?
repeat this 6 times within
feel it within your creative sex centre, you womb area and let it flow… giving birth to a new affirmation

let’s keep moving

embrace last weeks yoni/mula pulsations with svadhisthana flow

so how are you feeling now?

Juicy? awakened, sensuous… for me sensuous isn’t necessarily sexual, it means being so in your body your senses are awake..