
Year of The Monkey

Blessings on the eve of the Year of the Monkey 2016…

yearofthemonkeyIt is the Chinese New Year of the Red Monkey, the Fire Monkey and it falls on the New Moon on Moonday. I love this as it is an opportunity for me to share and hopefully ignite a passion for my favourite monkey – Hanuman and my love for the cycles of the moon.

I’ll be honest I do now know about the Chinese view about the Monkey and so I will leave that for you to use google to find out, however my love for the mythical stories of the Hindu Pantheon, i know a lot about Hanuman as well as my honouring the cycles of the moon for 30 years so let’s see what 2016 holds  in store from my perspective

Year of the Monkey with Hanuman

Hanuman is the monkey deity from the Hindu Pantheon. Hanuman is playful, has amazing physical powers (which he has forgotten) and offers selfless devotion to his Lord Rama and Rama’s wife Sita.

In the year of the Monkey, Hanuman as the monkey represents your human being monkey mind, which is often the restless human mind. Hanuman teaches you that though everyone is born an animal, everyone can attain spiritual evolution through perseverance and discipline. Hanuman’s Mother Anjaneya taught her son about service from the heart and so he perfected his mind through Bhakti (selfless devotion) to Rama.  Hanuman embodies the highest potential you can achieve.  

Year of the Monkey with the New Moon 

The year of the Monkey begins on the New Moon, the second new moon of 2016 and this new moon is in aquarius, which is the water bearer. the sign is depicted by a woman kneeling in service pouring water out of a vessel onto the earth. this is symbolic of your work being in service for all of the planet and humanity. Water is the source of life, you are made up of 70% water, let the water nurture you as it would nurture the plants and seeds and help them to grow. At the New Moon it is a time of new-ness or renewal and a time to plant seeds that you wish to blossom. As you sow your seed intentions for this new cycle allow nature to assist your growth and water the seeds of your intention of the year.

Service from the heart

do you see the synchronicity of the New Moon, Hanuman and the year of the Monkey?

it’s an invitation to pour your love in service from the heart…There is a potent alchemy here with the water bearer new moon and the fire red monkey. It is the process of inner alchemy, the union of the polar energies fire + water, and the union of opposites…. For me 2016 is an opportunity to burn away that which doesn’t serve you, to stoke the sacred heart fire and ignite your dreams so that  you dive into the flowing river of creation, become more fluid as you serve from your heart.

I wish you blessings from the year of the monkey and more Hanuman stories to come, I just love them!