
Jala, Water


as we explore the depths of Jala, water here are a couple of videos for you…

Samudra Namaskar

Are you ready to dive deep into your own vastness as deep as the ocean and come into the flow?

As I continue to share and teach on the elements of nature, Pancha Mahabhuta this is all about Jala or water.

This Namaskar is an honouring to the ocean and the wave like motions invite to to flow in your body. The ocean in all her glory reminds us of our innate power which is feminine

Blossoming Lotus Mudra

this is a mudra sequence I often use, when life is challenging me, when i’m being churned and i need to remember to come into the flow and blossom.

you begin with Yoni Mudra, a hand gesture of the womb of creation that invokes the feminine, this is the represented in the downward facing triangle, the bring hands to Lotus Mudra before the heart. Lotus Mudra opens the heart space, the lotus blossoms and seeds at the same time and rises from the dark muddy waters to blossom in its purity. the Lotus Mudra bring hands to prayer (intention to blossom) keep the little fingers and thumbs together and allow the petals of your fingers to unfurl like the petals of the lotus.

when life challenges you and turns you inside out and upside down and back to front you have two choices to react and resist or to come into the flow… this blossoming Lotus Mudra is revealing to you the deep blossoming of your soul within…

you can read more about your blossoming in the link above. try the Mudra and let me know how you feel