Chakra Series Facebook Live Videos

Chakra Series Facebook Live Videos

I wanted to share my Chakra Series Facebook Live Videos with you here on my website.

They invite you into a love story, of the feminine’s awakening into her own power, sensuality, longing from deep within. This is a love story that is happening everyday and if you are fortunate happening within you.… Read more

Manipura Chakra Videos

Manipura Chakra Videos

Manipura Chakra Videos

Manipura Chakra Videos invite you to continue the practice and ignite

Manipura Chakra is your power, your purpose, your will. you may read more on my other manipura Blog
this 8 petal lotus, colour of yellow and means Lustrous gem is the sun of your body the solar plexus.… Read more

Embrace Your Power

Embrace Your Power

I am ready to Transform!

ManipuraChakraIgnite your dreams… confidently!

Manipura Chakra is the 3rd chakra, it’s element is fire, it’s colour is yellow and the lotus of Manipura has 10 petals and is located between the navel and the solar plexus area. Manipura in sanskrit means Lustrous gem, manipura lotus is the sun of the body and the deities associated with Manipura are Agni and Surya!… Read more