
Are you living in technicolour?

living in technicolourAll of January I’ve been ‘doing’ a gratitude challenge on Facebook, where I express what I am grateful for each day. So today I am grateful for living in technicolour and especially the colour aqua/turquoise that is literally speaking to me.


See my new cabinet and my amazing view.


Wow I am so grateful for these too….This colour is calling me. It is associated with the fifth chakra of our energy system, called the throat chakra, which is the bottle neck of the whole energy system, before energy may truly flow this chakra needs to be cleared. It’s all about expression, your voice, authenticity and fearlessness. The last one made me smile today…

One of my teachers Psalm Isadora said that when she learnt theses tantra methods she taught me, she went from living in black-and-white to living in technicolour. This truly resonates with me specially today. How are you living? Are you living in black and white? or are you living in technicolour?

I believe when a colour keeps speaking to you it’s the energy centre that is calling you to acknowledge or seek balance because there may be a blockage. In tantra the chakras are know as intimacy or developmental centres and the blockages sometimes manifest from our early development as a child.
For me the reminder today is fearlessness…. to embrace my truth and authenticity and give expression to myself and help others I work with. As I change the invitation is to embrace my own fearlessness and the fear I see within my clients.

Gratitude Challenge, Change, New Year and Fear

I understand change may cause fear and there’s safety in familiarity because we are wired from habits on all levels, physically, mentally or emotionally. Your habits are so deeply engrained in your   behavioural patterns and psyche, and this is your first chakra. It’s why you may re-enact the same situations or find it hard to change, like every new year going to lose weight or exercise more but then by end january you’re not so committed.

Yoga, Tantra, body work, resolutions all help you to shift your mental, emotional and behavioural patterns from imbalance to balance. and even the slightest change may challenge you, because you’re conditioned from your habit.

What I love is they are understood scientifically to effect the nervous system and re-wire the neuro-plasticity of the brain. The early yoga masters and tantrikas knew this. They knew (especially the tantrikas who use the body, as some yoga schools renouce the body) how important the body’s intelligence is and this intelligence re-wires the brain. Getting into your body and feeling pleasure gets you out of the habitual behaviours and into the body’s intelligence.

now i know this sounds easy, but i also know its not. it takes practice and theres the clue practice is doing something repeatedly and then the habit shifts. The change blossoms in practice letting the transformation begins..So at New Years generally everyone is full of spirit for the new and lets say living in technicolour. Yet now 3 weeks in how’s it going? Is your old habit creeping in, do you feel anxious, overwhelmed, fearful? If so you’e more than likely coming from your habitual patterning – so be kind and patient
That’s what I love about Tantra, it’s given me the tools, that are called the lightning path because they work quick and are micro meditations, you dont need to practice for hours and hours a day! the east meets west where science and spirituality agree how an inner change leads to outer transformation.

The new year is all about change cos it’s new…and next week is the first new moon of 2017 and as their names suggests it about new, rebirth, or renewal.

It means death of the old ways to make way for the new…

Change is a process of transformation. Like going from living in black and white to living in technicolour. So my gratitude challenge is about fully appreciate the process of change and transformation. As my habitual reactions stir, I release so I rise. And since I am voicing everyday, what I am grateful for I’m using my throat chakra. Do you see how everything is becoming inter-connected?


8-snakeMy recent training that in December was called metamorphosis and it’s really only now the metamorphosis is taking place – its powerful and the process of change means to stay true to my authenticity and be fearless. Take a caterpillar, it goes through a major change. when it’s turning into a butterfly goes into a cocoon and literally transmutes. Or it’s like a snake shedding skin can’t put back on the old skin.

I doubt very much that the snake or the caterpillar knew what it was doing when it was undergoing this metamorphosis, it just does, goes through the mess and emerges. Us humans however love to analyse!  So I don’t necessarily need to say how I’m feeling or what I’m going through but just that I get this process and rather than analyse it I’m shedding another skin to reveal the new. Because I have been through this process I have empathy, I have compassion and I hold the space for my clients as they evolve through their own change

living in black-and-white and changing to living in technicolor is bright, vibrant, full and pulsing. It is also messy just like caterpillar transmuting into a butterfly or  snake shedding its skin – that’s nature, you chose to resist or to flow..

But you know what essential for a woman? Give yourself love and nurture yourself. In the most profound way what I have learnt is the easiest way for women to do this is in a group of other woman you and for a greater cause.
The Dalai Lama said ‘that the world will be saved by the western woman’

I hear this and I so see this… when women come together there is this power and connection and transformation where we empathise with each other. Often it is easier for another woman to mirror the attributes, the heart qualities, the passion, the fearlessness we also wish to embody. It gives us the strength and permission to be ourselves when we see it in another.

This is exemplified by the marches taken place around the globe on 21 January 2017 – I cant help but think of Maya Angelou and her many teachings…

‘Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I’m telling lies.
I say,
It’s in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me’


‘We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty’

and my most favourite – Still I rise, I’ll leave you to look that up and Rise with her poetry and begin living in technicolour!

and if you wish to join me in living in technicolour I’ve got an event in London on 4 February, I’ll teach you all the simple practices