
Power Smoothie

My Power Smoothie

I was feeling a little low energy mid morning. At times like this I just honour my natural biorhythms and feel into this. I decided to have one of my Power Smoothie, as I needed to use up some of my  bananas I am ripening ready to bake a banana bread for the Summer Solstice event ~ well not 10 minutes after this superfood shake I am feeling full of life.… Read more

Movement Meditation

Movement Meditation

Movement Meditation

Om Kumara Mantra


this is one of my favourite Movement Meditation tracks at present. It truly invites me deep within the temple of my body, from here I move, feel, wrapping myself in my presence…the music, the mantra caresses your inner being, seducing you deeper into the beauty of who you are…

Try it, play the music, close your eyes, let your body move however it is guided to – this is movement meditation and is especially great for women who are intuitive, fluid, flowing to get into their bodies more and out of the logical thinking mind…

honeyenjoy this nectar I offer on the Full Honey Moon today..… Read more

I am Fearless

I am Fearless

I am Fearless


I write this blog on the New Moon, a week after my teacher Training of “Riding with Tigers” and I feel a profound liberation for this new cycle, in a fearless way, no doubts, no fears, embracing the magnitude of being fearless!. I just  L O V E this picture of the Bengal Tiger, so majestic, at ease, fearless and powerful ~ how I yearn to teach all of you to encapsulate these qualities for yourself.… Read more

Cycles of Life

Cycles of Life

Cycles of Life

It feels like a new dawn to me at present, so many revelations surfacing…makes me think of a T.S Elliot quote I love

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”Read more

Yoga Weekend Retreat

Yoga Weekend Retreat



Navratri Yoga Weekend Retreat

Honour The Divine Feminine…

This is for every Woman willing to remember, awaken and embrace her authentic self… who she truly is; a pulsating, living breathing expression of the powerful Divine Feminine, who’s essence is peace and nurturing love.

ॐ Do you wish to be seen?Read more



What is the Significance of 108  ?


As we approach Summer Solstice and honour the Sun with 108 Surya Namaskars, 108 Sun Salutations I thought I’d explain about the meaning of 108.  108 is considered a sacred number in Hinduism and yoga. Traditionally a mala is a garland of prayer beads, that come as a string of 108 beads (plus one for the “guru bead, named Mount Meru” around which the other 108 beads turn when used in the hands, this is  like the planets around the sun).… Read more

Yoga Music for the mind, body, soul

Yoga Music for the mind, body, soul

This album is divine. I wanted to share wit h you some of my favourite yoga music, i have so many. This is one I love to use when I wish to slow down, turn inwards and bring sacred ritual and the meditation to motion in my own practice. perfect for moon sadhana’s as I feel like I am being bathed by the ocean of consciousness, liberating me from within….… Read more

Sahasrara Chakra, the journey to unity

Sahasrara Chakra, the journey to unity

SahasraraChakraSahasrara Chakra

Don’t go outside your house to see flowers.
My friend, don’t bother with that excursion.
Inside your body there are flowers.
One flower has a thousand petals.
That will do for a place to sit.
Sitting there you will have a glimpse of beauty
inside the body and out of it,
before gardens and after gardens

~ Kabir

Sahasrara Chakra means thousandfold and sometimes known as  the Crown chakra.… Read more

Synchronicity; the Joy of Connection

Synchronicity; the Joy of Connection

Synchronicity; The Joy of Connection



I’ve been reflecting over the synchronicity of the journey through the chakra system! The blessings on being in alignment with the Universe, the cycles of the nature and the rituals of the sadhana holy days. For me there has been so many wow, a-ha moments during the 7 weeks, just when i’ve literally smiled and then offered humble appreciation.… Read more